I grew up in the Fayetteville area, however, I moved to Dallas 20 years ago. I went out to the city to explore, expand and learn about the in’s and out’s of life. When the pandemic hit, I experienced some big life changes that made me take a step back and reevaluate what was important to me in my life. My life in Dallas no longer served the mission of my heart. I missed the trees and the mountains of the Ozarks! I wanted to go home.
I am learning that when Eureka Springs invites you in, she does it on her time. And she doesn’t just invite just anyone to stay.
My partner, Corbin and I quickly found a beautiful old Victorian home and a space opened up for the shop a bit sooner than anticipated. I am humbled and grateful that she has taken a liking to both of us. I have accepted her invitation and am looking forward to the curation and cultivation of The Heart Division.
Being an artist runs in my family. The need to create and express myself is a part of me as my sense of humor. It’s always a little off and maybe more than a little bit off color. But at the heart of it, what I create is meant to inspire and spark conversation.
I frequently get asked what “style” my art is. My immediate response has always been that it is more of a lifestyle than a style. I don’t make art because I want to... I make art because I have to.
A few of my signature “moves” is my innate ability to layer color and movement in a way that is intended to evoke an emotional response. I work a lot with texture, my actual hands and fingertips and even makeup brushes. (I love the way they whip and swirl paint)
I am a self taught artist and self proclaimed renaissance man. I work mainly with acrylic, however, I love exploring new ways to express myself. I have recently incorporated silk screening and water colors into my work. I love working with my hands and have even stretch my own canvases sometimes.
Many artist work years to be able to create a style or look that is uniquely theirs. I feel lucky that my “style” has always been there. Over the past 15 years I have definitely grown, developed and curated that “feel”.
I don’t paint things. I paint how the world makes me feel. I want people to either love or hate what I produce. I believe Boy George said it best - it’s better to be looked at than looked over. As a creator and an artist I always give myself the room I need to grow. It’s ok to make ugly things. It’s not ok to sit on the sidelines and not do anything.
- Art Con 2006 Dallas TX
- Art to Art 4 Play Studios 2006 - Dallas TX
- “Prom 1984” Hall Street Art Show - 2006 Dallas TX
- Art Con 2007 Dallas TX
- Open Studio Tour San Diego Art Collective - 2007 San Diego
- Art Con 2008 Dallas TX
- Art Con 2009 Dallas TX
- Heart to Art September 2018 - Dallas TX
- “Candy Heart Conversations” Neiman Marcus Northpark January 2019 - Dallas TX
- Big Taste of Dallas - March 2019
- Voyage Dallas Interview - April 2019
- Artists on Monroe Exhibit @ Neiman Marcus Northpark - August 2019
- Arts Goggle Ft. Worth - October 2019
- The Honey Pot Holiday Show - November 2019
- The Art of My Heart Solo Show & Fundraiser - December 2019
- Etsy Spring Bash - June 2021
- Love Exhibition 2021 - Presented by: Biafarin & Exibizone
- Scenic Exhibition 2021 - Lands, Seas, Cities. Presented by: Biafarin & Exibizone
- North Dallas Art Tour - April 2022